(Prime Thornton Coleman Sr. is the great grandfather of the contributor, Richard N. Heywood)
Journal by Prime Thornton
Coleman Sr.
January 1st 1879 to
December 3rd 1879
January - 1879
Doing various
February - 1879
Cold, bad weather.
Commenced log stable work. Three days mending shoes, oiling harnesses. Made two
trips to Orderville with Mr. Jacobs. Commenced dairy, worked one day.
[March - 1879]
Saturday, 16: Benjamin Platt returned 3rd. Received a
letter from T.C. Johnson and from E. Owens. Working in shop making nails,
fixing wagon brake, fixing garden rake, making band for fork. Failed to weld
Sunday, 17: Spent the morning at home, in the afternoon
went to Bro. Robinson’s, attended Sunday School.
Monday, 18: Making nails, hinge latch and catch for stable
door. In afternoon hung stable door. Went to Bro. Robinson’s, stayed all night.
Tuesday, 19: Came home, pulled down some scaffoling. Hewed
out two single-trees. Put rivet in fork. Commenced covering stable. Afternoon
in covering stable. Benny burnt coal.
Wednesday, 20: Cut some pieces before breakfast for
harrow. Work on stable forenoon. Afternoon, cleared up pieces and trash. 4
o’clock started out after some deer. Got none. Prime, Willard drawing poles and
wood from the corral. Borrowed one front quarter of beef from Bro. Robinson, 94
lbs. weight.
Thursday, 21: Went before breakfast to look at the plow
land. Too wet to plow. Work on stable forenoon. Part of afternoon making stable
and boxes. Balance of day turning water under bridge. Made a shelf for putting
flowers on. Benny helping to haul dirt to throw on stable and turn the water
under bridge, tending coal pit.
Friday, 22: Mending boots before breakfast. Cloudy and
stormy during day. Cleaning and piling manure, Benny the same. Etta had a chill
last night. Make two hooks to hang my gun with.
Saturday, 23: Made a mop stick. Piled out some slabs for
fence, by the help of Willard. Hauled up pieces of fire wood. Benny piled
manure. Afternoon we hauled 1 load chips and one load of soil for bridge, also
one load of manure. Found the land too wet to continue. Benny went and turned
off the water that was spoiling our road to the field. Stayed over night at
R.S. Robinson’s. Etta had a heavy fever.
24: Devoted the morning reading in the Apocrypha. In the afternoon
attended Sunday School. Returned home in the evening in a shower of rain which
continued for three quarters of an hour.
Monday, 25: Working in shop at sundries. Benny drawed 6
loads manure. Snowing, has all appearances of continuing all night. Levanger
commenced work today. Spliced plow beam.
Tuesday, 26: Mended Carpenter’s boot before breakfast.
Working in shop balance of day. Benny took out some coal in forenoon, grubbing
in afternoon.
Wednesday, 27: (Indisposed) Working in shop. Went and laid
off two lands for plowing. Benny grubbing.
Thursday, 28: Snow fell about 3 inches last night.
Storming all day, very cold this evening. Fixing forge this forenoon. Made a
plain bit for Levanger. Fixing plow beam this afternoon. Benny helping today.
Rec’d two letters from Cainnan. Second one directed to Bro. Robinson and left
bearing date March 22.
Friday, 29: Went down to R.S. Robinson’s early in the
morning. Took breakfast there. On my way back saw W. Roundy. Bought 22 cwt. at
$25 per ton to be paid on Cainnan herd. Working in shop during the day. In the
evening went to Robinson’s and stayed all night. Etta had a high fever until
about nine o’clock. Benny worked in shop and hauled one load of hay. Storming
at times during the day.
Saturday, 30: Took Breakfast at R.S. Robinson’s. Etta some
better this morning. Worked in shop all day. Benny hauled one load hay in the
morning. Grinding tools in the afternoon. Storming a little all day. Wrote two
letters this evening. One to K. C. Johnson. One to Evan Owens, Wellesville,
Cash Valley.
Sunday, 31: Went to Post Office, brought back the mail.
Took dinner with Bro. C. Elder. Called at Bro. Robinson’s, took supper there.
Etta had a heavy fever.
April - 1879
Monday, 1: Throwing dirt from under the porch for about
two hours. Sharpened a plow for Roundy. Mended wash board, fixed a grub hoe in
the forenoon, Benny grubbing in the forenoon. Afternoon started plowing.
Grubbing on carrot patch 3 hours. Benny drawed one load of brush from plow
land. Levanger made harrow frame.
Tuesday, 2: Put in harrow teeth, made one tooth. Bolted on
iron to pull by. Afternoon burnt some brush on carrot patch, measured some
plough lands. Bro. Robinson brought Emma and Etta home this afternoon, borrowed
my plow. Rec’d by Robinson some plants and shrubs from Bro. Oakly, lower Kanab.
Benny plowed this forenoon, grubbed in afternoon. Etta little better today.
Wednesday, 3: Up at 5 o’clock. Put blue vitral on the
wheat to sow at the rate of 1 lb. to 8 or 10 bus wheat in 24 qts of water.
Sowed one acre and a quarter of wheat at about 1 1/2 bus to the acre. Plowed a
piece for the garden. Afternoon loaded one load of manure. Prepared some pie
plant, went to Rush Kanyon for cultivator. Dug up some parsnips. Loaded part of
load of manure besides sundries. Etta much better today. Benny grubbing this
forenoon. Plowing in the afternoon.
Thursday, 4: Working in garden planting seeds, carrots and
beets. Set out some strawberry and horse radish. Bro. Elder and three of his
boys came here according to agreement. Went to look at the work to be done.
Agreed to grub one acre and a fourth for fifteen dollars and board. Settled
with Elder De sundry articles $24.60. Benny plowing. Prime and Willard helping
in the garden.
Friday, 5: Borrowed oxen from Roundy to harrow. Prime and
Willard harrowed and carried off brush from one and fourth acres. Sowed 2
1/2 acres wheat. Grubbed half day. Benny
plowing. Carpenter commenced putting up boarding under porch.
Saturday, 6: Up during the night for 2 hours. Etta had
violent pains all night. Sprinkled vitral on wheat to sow. Sowed two thirds of
an acre. Prime and Willard harrowed with oxen about 2 acres of land forenoon.
Plowed garden ground afternoon. Planted garden seeds, onions, cabbage, beets
and turnips. Spent 2 hours making terrace in front of porch. Benny grubbing 1/2
day. Plowing and harrowing. Went in the afternoon and brought from the pit a
load of coal. Willard went to Bro. Robinson’s for currants for Etta. Bro. Elder
finished the 1 1/2 acres about 3 o’clock. Took another piece for $4.00 and
finished that and started home agreed to come again on Wednesday and grub two
Sunday, 7: Fine morning. Spent forenoon reading and
walking about. Bro. Robinson and wife came to visit us. Stayed until eight
o’clock. Had a pleasant visit. Bro. and Sister Levanger made a short visit. Etta
some better this evening.
Monday, 8: Etta very restless all night. Heavy pains.
Gathering brush and burning the same from plowed land. Benny plowing, Heywood
also. Very windy and cold. Sent a note to Bro. Robinson to come this evening,
that Etta was worse and bring consecrated oil with him. He came about six
o’clock. Administered to her and anointed her.
Tuesday, 9: Very cold during the night. Windy all day and
cold. Burning brush all day. Benny plowing. Heywood broke plow beam. Bro.
Robinson and myself was up from one o’clock. Emma slept. Etta rested toward
morning. Better through the day, taking some lobelia this morning.
Wednesday, 10: Sowed three and third acres wheat. Went to
work on plow beam balance of day. Benny harrowing all day. Heywood bought 10
bus of potatoes from Bro Robinson that Emma sewed for. Etta all right to-day.
Thursday, 11: Fixed lead bar before breakfast. Went to
Rush Kanyon to lay off some land to plow. Afternoon grubbed for about 2 hours.
Fixed the plow and made a nest for geese. Benny plowing all day. 1 1/2 acres.
Friday, 12: Sowed about 2 1/2 acres of barley in Rush
Kanyon and thrashed out some barley with flail. Sowed 3/4 acres this afternoon.
Dug some parsnips and onions. Benny harrowing and cultivating.
Saturday, 13: Very windy and cold. Cutting potato sets and
sundry jobs. Benny plowing forenoon. Still windy and cold.
Sunday, 14: Stormy during the night and during the day.
Spent the day in reading and conversing at home.
Monday, 15: Stormed all night. Blowing a heavy gale.
Snowing all day. The worst storm I remember for years. Mending Emma’s shoes all
day. John Alger came here about 3 o’clock. His team gave out. He left his wife
at Pipe Springs.
Tuesday, 16: Snow fell during the night about 15 inches.
Stormed until noon. Shoe making this forenoon. Made 7 rings for halters in the
Wednesday, 17: Morning fine. Working repairing washer.
Made some nails. Furnished John Alger a horse to help bring his family that he
had left at the Springs, this side 2 miles of Pipe Springs. Benny doing
Friday, 19: Working in blacksmith shop. Benny getting
posts ready for corral. David Lee came to see us.
Saturday, 20: Working in shop. Snowing all day. Benny
doing choars.
Sunday, 21: Bro Robinson and sons made us a visit in the
morning, to dinner with us. I accompanied Bro Robinson to his house, took
supper with the family. Met Bro. Charles Pulsipher there, had an agreeable
time, returned home about nine o’clock.
Monday, 22: Working in ship making nails and sundries. Sent
Prime and Willard with letters to the Post Office, Benny helping in shop until
noon. Boring posts and fitting them together.
Tuesday, 23: Working in shop forenoon. Afternoon went to
Rush Kanyon, brought the plows down to put in potatoes. Benny boring pieces for
gates and digging post holes. J. Alger and wife arrived about noon.
Wednesday, 24: Working at corral forenoon. Afternoon
cutting potatoes. Benny worked at corral - grubbing. Heywood and John Alger
went with four horses to bring Alger’s wagon, arrived about sundown.
Thursday, 25: John Alger commenced grubbing. Putting in
garden seeds forenoon. Afternoon worked for 2 hours at garden, Benny grubbing
and piling trash. Let Roundy have 205 lbs cheese for grain.
Friday, 26: Planting potatoes until about 4 o’clock. Went
to Roundy’s, bought 3 sacks of barley 343 lbs. Also a wagon bed full of hay
from Roundy. Benny plowing for potatoes, evening, grubbing.
Saturday, 27: Sowing barley in Rush Kanyon. Finished by
one o’clock. Prime harrowed. Emma and Francelle came to us with ax and other
implements to get some trees to set out at the house. Afternoon, sowed some
barley in lower field. Finished the land begun for potatoes. Benny grubbing
forenoon on Allen Claim. Afternoon, planting potatoes. J. Alger grubbing on
headland. Emma and Francelle set out some currant slips. Benny brought some hay
from Roundy.
Sunday, 28: After breakfast took a ride for 3 hours,
returned in time for dinner. Afternoon attended Sunday School at Bro.
Robinson’s. Took supper there and had a good time. At home in the evening,
singing and music.
Monday, 29: Cutting potatoes for three hours. Burning
brush 2 hours. Afternoon planting potatoes. Benny grubbing this morning,
afternoon plowing for potatoes. Prime and Willard working gathering brush and
planting potatoes.
Tuesday, 30: Finished planting potatoes, forenoon.
Cleaning and grubbing brush, afternoon. Benny hauling manure afternoon.
May - 1879
Wednesday, 1: Planted some beet and carrot seed. Afternoon
grubbing and I cleared up some brush. Benny hauling manure all day. Prime
harrowed potato land, Willard helped me.
Thursday, 2: Mending boots for John Alger. Went to Bro
Robinson’s this evening to borrow a wagon. He let me have two bushels potatoes
-- early rose. Benny hauled manure until noon, afternoon hauling poles and
posts from J.H. Lee’s place.
Friday, 3: Concluded to go fishing, arrived at Mammouth
Creek about noon. On the way down the river caught some small fish for break’t.
J. Robinson killed a duck, too poor to eat, had been previously wounded. Took
out our fishing tackel. Levanger caught one very nice trout weighed about 5
lbs. I caught one small trout, no bites. About four o’clock we started down to
the lower end of Panquitch Co-op field . Heywood caught 3 small fish. Started
back again to Mammouth Creek. Very cold during the night. The boys that
remained on Mammouth Creek caught some very fine trout.
Saturday, 4: Struck out early this morning -- early. We
caught a few. After breakfast all went again, some went up the Creek for three
miles but with little success, the water being to high and riley. Stayed here
until about three and started home. Bro Lavanger and two of the boys remained
to try their luck until Sunday.
Sunday,5: Went up to a spring in the upper meadow set some
water cress that Etta brought from Mammouth Creek. Bro Robinson’s family came
here to Sunday School. Bro Robinson being unwell remained at home. Benny came
home bringing a few fish. W. Loomis from Pioche arrived here about 5 o’clock.
Monday, 6: After breakfast had a conversation with W.
Loomis for about one hour. He started down to Panguitch. Spread manure until
eleven o’clock, cut potatoes to plant. Afternoon helped to load one load of
manure, repaired some fence in lower meadow for about two hours, cut potatoes
the balance of the day. Benny spreading manure forenoon, afternoon plowing.
Tuesday, 7: Working on corral and repairing fence. Benny
spreading manure, hauled two loads manure. Plowing balance of day.
Wednesday, 8: Work on the corral, plowed about 2 hours,
Benny the same. Heywood returned from Panguitch about noon. Had a call by the
Assessor, took an inventory of property.
Thursday, 9: Putting up corral fence about 2 1/2 hours,
Benny the same. Worked at corral in afternoon, Benny the same. Heywood and
Prime started to Clarkston to get some cows and horses. Susey sick today taking
an emetic tonight. Spent one hour at Alger’s.
Friday, 10: Went to Rush Kanyon, plowed and sowed some for
barley. Benny laid off land for watering. Went and brought a load of wood.
Afternoon made a calf gate, repaired some fence in lower meadow. Benny
grubbing. Bro. W. Maxwell, wife and two daughters arrived about four o’clock.
Bought 308 lbs oats from H. Roundy.
Saturday, 11: Harnessed the team, started to field to lay
off the wheat and barley land for watering. Benny laid off while I piled and
burnt brush and grubbed until noon. J. Alger used oxen and wagon drawing brush
from land. Bro Maxwell started to Panguitch this morning. Loaned him old John
to ride. Afternoon, hewed a pole for gate and morticed the same, about four
hours. Benny started to Clarkeston about 2 o’clock.
Sunday, 12: Paid a visit to Bro Robinson. Afternoon
attended Sunday School. Bro Robinson gave some explanation on the revelations
that were read. Neal Jr. was taken with hoarseness and sore throat. Brought 2
bus potatoes from Bro Robinson’s.
Monday, 13: Cut some potato sets until ten o’clock with
the help of Willard. We planted until we finished the land about 4 o’clock.
Spent 2 hours on gate.
Tuesday, 14: Went with J. Alger to look at the fence to be
repaired, he agreed to do the job at the price that I had taken it for which is
75¢ per rod. Shelled some corn to plant. Went to planting by the help of
Willard. Finished the corn. Boys returned from Clarkston with cows and a beef
steer. Killed and hung the quarters. J. Alger received 70 lbs flour and 5 1/2
cheese. Neal Jr. much better this evening.
Wednesday, 15: Planting potatoes. Bro Maxwell with B.I.
Riddle who was traveling through this part to purchase cattle, he had some
merchandise also. I bought to the amount of $18.20. He started to Clarckston
about 4 P.M. Benny and boys planting potatoes. Bro Robinson’s boys and girls
spending the evening with us.
Thursday, 16; Laid off and dug on the foundation of Buck
Room for about 1 1/2 hours, went up to where J. Alger was repairing fence,
found him making a good job. Mr. Maxwell and family started about 10 o’clock.
Finished planting potatoes on that land cleared of brush from potato land and
harrowed until noon with Benny and boys. Afternoon had a few sets left, went
and planted them, also some beans until about 3 o’clock. Worked on gate until 6
o’clock. Benny pulled up posts from old corral.
Friday,17: Snow on the ground this morning about 2 in.
deep, very cold. Worked in shop all day, Benny helping.
Saturday, 18: Spent the forenoon working in the shop
finishing the riging for plowing. Benny helping. Afternoon went to try breaking
some sod land at the foot of the pines with three horses, did not succeed.
Sunday, 19: Went over to office. Afternoon attended Sunday
School at home.
Monday, 20: Rained during the night, a little stormy all
day, mowing this evening. Worked in the shop until about 11 o’clock, Bro.
Robinson came up to level the water ditch. We then forced some irons and wood
for level. After dinner went and leveled the ditch. Stormed all the time we
were at work. Carpenter commenced working at window frames. Benny doing choars.
Tuesday, 21: Working in the shop, Benny helping. Fixed
nechyke for J. Alger. Carpenter made some stools, glued some chairs. Stormy and
cold all day. Richard Robinson brought a notice of stock drive.
Wednesday, 22: Made sills for gate, put Bleach in the Ox
wagon, made a ring and other jobs. Bro. J. Riddle called about 11 o’clock A M,
took dinner with us and started for home. Afternoon set up big gate, helped to
finish another. Benny working pulling up posts and boreing. Also went and cut
some oak for pins. J. Alger used the oxen and wagon all day.
Thursday, 23: Helping Carpenter to clear the floor over
dairy room, laid off the places for digging post holes, draged poles, put
fastening for gate, started to try the plowing but failed, Benny working at
corral and other jobs.
Friday, 24: Working at corral and helping Carpenter, Benny
the same. Bro Maxwell called, took dinner with us.
Saturday, 25: Working on corral. Afternoon finished corral
about three o’clock. Helped to finish gate. Benny working at corral and getting
out gate stocks. Sent over to saw mill for a yoke oxen from Semon to help in
Sunday, 26: Went to Bro. R.S. Robinson’s brought some cows
that the Co-op had left for me, spent the ballance of day reading.
Monday, 27: Went to plow, worked until noon, brought the
plow down, fixed it. Worked putting a gate together about three hours. Benny
plowing forenoon, afternoon doing sundrys.
Tuesday, 28: Plowing, sent team to R.S. Robinson’s and
borrowed one bunch of shingles.
Wednesday, 29: Sharpened the plow. Then went to plowing.
Prime brought up our dinner. Harrowed in the afternoon with the horses.
Thursday, 30: Plowing forenoon, finished the land. Plowed
out the water ditch, broke the spear of the plow. Sowed some oats for Benny to
harrow. Afternoon harrowing with two yoke of oxen. Benny working on the water
Friday, 31: Harrowed until noon, Benny worked on water
ditch. Heywood returned from the drive. Afternoon, plowed a road around the
point above the old houses and they plowed on the new water ditch. Benny helped
for about one hour then went to finish ditch. Heywood helped until night.
June - 1879
Saturday, 1: Worked on dugway until noon, Benny and
Heywood also. Afternoon, myself and Heywood put up the ballanced gate and some
fence. Benny went for a load of wood. Found the sow and her pigs dead.
Sunday, 2: After breakfast rode up the Kanyon to look at
the meadows. Afternoon attended Sunday School at R.S. Robinson’s. Benny helped
some cattle dealers to take their cattle to Lytle place.
Monday, 3: Plowed a piece of land for Levanger to plant
potatoes. Finished at noon. Sister Robinson came about eleven o’clock to make a
visit. Afternoon plowed a furrow to mark out the ditch. Helped a little to
clean out the old ditch, Benny worked in ditch all day to bring the water to
the grain.
Tuesday, 4: Worked on ditch, plowed and cleaned out. Benny
all day on ditch. J. Alger and Heywood broke two points off the plow. A grey
horse came here this morning evidently going to his old range.
Wednesday, 5: Worked on water ditch, Benny and J. Alger
the same.
Thursday, 6: Went and turned some water in the ditch,
Benny commenced watering. Between ten and eleven commenced raining hard, got
wet through. Worked in shop in afternoon. Fixed R. Robinson’s bridle worth
fifty cents but made no charge.
Friday, 7: Took up the milk pipe and cleaned it out.
Afternoon went to Robinson’s to bring some Co-op cows home. J. Emett came up
with us. Benny cleaning off the willows and brush from the meadow.
Saturday, 8: Fixed butter box. Boys helped Emett to mark
and brand Co-op calves. Plowed and cleaned out a short piece of ditch to carry
the water from the farm land. Afternoon cleaned up around the back part of the
house. Heywood repaired some fence on the lower meadow. J. Emett returned last
Sunday,9: At home. Took a little strole up the Kanyon.
Reading and sleeping.
Monday, 10: Dug up and hauled posts to fix fence. Fixed
water pipe and doing various chores through the day. Benny cleaning meadow half
Tuesday, 11: Repairing the wagon and doing various jobs.
Benny irrigating the wheat.
Wednesday, 12: Started to St. George by way of Orderville.
Put up with Bro. W.B. Maxwell’s family.
Thursday, 13: Started from Orderville about 7 o’clock,
very warm through the day. Camped about 10 miles from Short Creek.
Friday, 14: Started at 4 o’clock A.M. took breakfast at
Short Creek, watered at Workman’s. drove on to the foot of Hurricane Hill.
Horses very uneasy, got up about twelve o’clock, followed them about a mile
towards the Virgin.
Saturday, 15: Started at four o’clock, arrived at Silver
Reaf about seven o’clock, disposed of my butter to Sultan at Sixty cts. per
role, done some trading. Started about 4 o’clock, arrived at Washington at 8
o’clock, put my team up at Nielsen’s.
Sunday, 16: Started after breakfast, arrived at St. George
about 8 o’clock, attended meeting twice, put up with D.H. Cannon. Met Bro. B.
Knell at Cannon’s.
Monday, 17: Spent the day getting some things for dairy
purposes and chatting. Took breakfast and dinner with J. Andrus.
Tuesday, 18: Started to Washington arrived about 10
o’clock A.M. Spent the day gathering some fruit and other chores. Put up my
team at Bro Nielsen’s.
Wednesday, 19: Started for Silver Reef, arrived there 9
A.M. remained there until 15 minutes to four. Took lunch with W. Sultan, camped
that night about 6 miles the other side of Workman’s. Found father Workman very sick, did not think he would last very
long. Gave him some port wine.
Thursday, 20: Drove to Cainnan Ranch, took breakfast
there. Sister Andrus wanted to get breakfast for us. She had just arrived there
the evening previous. I told her we were better able to get our own grub. Went
to Short Creek, nooned there, saw J. Andrus there gathering stock for --- said
he would be at Upper Kanab by the 3rd of July with cows. Camped about two miles
from Winsor Castle.
Friday, 21: Arrived at the Castle about five o’clock,
watered the team, filled our kegs with water, drove out about six miles, took
some refreshments, then drove on to Lower Kanab. Called at Lyman Hamblin’s.
Dinner being ready, we sat down and partook. Called at Bro Crosby’s, stayed
about one hour, camped about 8 miles up the Kanyon.
Saturday, 22: Started at three o’clock, drove to the head
of the Kanyon, took breakfast, arrived home about 12 o’clock. Lost two fork
handles. Spent the ballance of the day looking at the crop, fence and putting
up some cloth overhead.
Sunday, 23: Took a strole up the kanyon. Meeting at Bro
Robinson’s. Nephi Johnson preached. I did not go, had a head ache.
Monday, 24: Made casing and hung the shutter to cheese
room. Afternoon went over to C. Pulsipher’s to look at his cheese vat.
Tuesday, 25: Watering in Rush Kanyon. Benny watering in
lower field.
Wednesday, 26: Watering in Rush Kanyon. Benny watering in
lower field. Went to R.S. Robinson’s in the evening, castrated some pigs.
Thursday, 27: Watering in Rush Kanyon. Banny in lower
field. Went to R.S. Robinson’s in the evening.
Friday, 28: Watering in Rush Kanyon. Benny watering in
lower field. Bro Charles Pulsipher came here to look at the cheese vat, took
dinner with us, had a good chat, looked around at the improvements and crops.
Saturday, 29: Watering in Rush Kanyon. Benny watering in
lower field, finished watering the wheat, turned off the water in Rush Kanyon.
Sunday, 30: Went to Sunday School held at Bro C.
Pulsipher’s with the family. Rec’d twelve cows and calves from J. Lee.
July - 1879
Monday, 1: Working in shop repairing wagon tongue, and
other things, fixed a bridle bit for J. Lee. Benny watering in Rush Kanyon,
Tuesday, 2: Plowing water ditch to potatoes and around the
end of fence to come back in field, Benny helping. Afternoon, Benny making
ditch and watering. Afternoon, hoed for one hour in garden then went to R.S.
Robinson’s to receive some cows from J. Andrus. Andrus came up with me, stayed
all night.
Wednesday, 3: Andrus stayed until after dinner, then went
to R.S. Robinson’s. We looked around at the fences and land and so forth. I
pulled down some posts in corral. Benny went and watered turnip patch, fixed
some fence in upper meadow. Afternoon went with Etta to the mill to engage a
Mexican to make music for the Fourth.
Thursday, 4: Went with J. Andrus to see C. Pulsipher to
look at cheese vat and make arrangements for the same. In the evening had a
dance and picknic, all went off well.
Friday, 5: Doing chores and had a sleep in the day, in the
afternoon attending to calves and cows. Benny watering barley in lower field.
Saturday, 6: Doing chores, making wagon tongue for big
wagon, attending to calves and cows. Benny finished watering barley. About 10
o’clock went and helped Roundy to raise the barn ballance of day.
Sunday, 7: Took small vat to C. Pulsipher’s and brought
the large one back again, got home about 2 o’clock. Went up the Kanyon to get
the cows.
Monday, 8: Repairing wagon forenoon, Benny helping.
Afternoon, went with Willard to get the cows.
Tuesday, 9: Hoeing in the garden. Benny watering.
Afternoon, went with Willard to get the cows.
Saturday, 13: Helping Emma to start to Orderville, sent
the plows to be repaired, sent 13 roles of butter to Orderville to pay the
Blacksmith and for washboards. Worked in the garden until dinner, then went for
the cows. Benny watering.
Sunday, 14: Watered turnip patch, pulled some beets for
greens. Gathered the cows in the afternoon. David Lee and James Clarke arrived
from Clarkston.
Monday, 15: Doing chores, Benny working on water ditch.
Afternoon, clearing up back yard.
Tuesday, 16: Plowing and cleaning water ditch from Rush
Kanyon to intercept main ditch. Benny helping. David Lee and J. Clarke started
Wednesday, 17: Went and repaired the fence on upper claim,
Benny the same and J. Alger.
Thursday, 18: Watering in lower field, Benny the same. J.
Alger working at stackyard.
Friday, 19: Watering forenoon. Afternoon working at cheese
press. Benny watering. J. Alger at yard and repairing fence that had fell down.
Saturday, 20: Working at Stackyard and press. About nine
o’clock at night wife’s canaries arrived from Orderville. J. Alger working at
Sunday, 21: Attended meeting at Bro Robinson’s.
Monday, 22: Finished the stackyard fence. Benny watering,
and clearing up the stackyard. J. Alger working on stackyard.
Tuesday, 23: Clearing up the stackyard and watering
potatoes. Benny plowing the potatoes. J. Alger hauling manure and poles out of
Wednesday, 24: Watering potatoes. In the evening went to
R.S. Robinson’s, family spent the day in recreation.
Thursday, 25: Watering and pulling weeds, set in two head
gates. Benny the same. J. Alger finished hauling manure from stackyard.
Afternoon, repaired fence.
Friday, 26: Watering wheat, Benny also. J. Alger plowing
potatoes and pulling weeds.
Saturday, 27: Watering wheat, Benny the same. J. Alger
plowing potatoes.
Sunday, 28: Watering barley and corn and other stuff.
Benny watering until about 2 o’clock.
Monday, 29: Watering in the garden and barley in Rush
Kanyon, Benny hoeing corn. Afternoon fixing hay rake and other chores. J. Alger
plowing corn until about 3 o’clock.
Tuesday, 30: Watering barley in Rush Kanyon, Benny hoeing
corn. Afternoon raking hay. J. Alger went to Orderville, took W. Maxwell home.
Wednesday, 31: Watering in Rush Kanyon, Benny working in
the hay.
August - 1879
Thursday, 1: Watering in Rush Kanyon, Benny hoeing corn.
Afternoon, raking hay in upper meadow.
J. Alger returned from Orderville. D.J. Lee came and stayed all night.
Friday, 2: Watering potatoes and doing various jobs.
Afternoon, the same. Benny and J. Alger hauling hay.
Saturday, 3: Went up to middle meadow to locate a place to
stack hay, helped to pitch one load, came back, attended to watering the
potatoes. Benny and J. Alger hauled hay. E. Pomeroy arrived from Salt River,
Sunday, 4: At home all day.
Monday, 5: Went over to the saw mill, brought about 500
feet of lumber. Benny brought a load of slats with 2 yoke of oxen.
Tuesday, 6: Worked on hog pen, Elij also. Benny getting up
Wednesday, 7: Worked on pig pen until noon. Elig the same.
Benny grubbing hay land. Afternoon, hauling hay in upper meadow, Elig and Benny
Thursday, 8: Forenoon, finished the hay in upper meadow,
hauled poles to fence it, Elig helping, Benny raking hay. Afternoon, hauling
hay, Benny and Elig helping.
Friday, 9: Commenced digging cellar. Benny fenced the hay.
Afternoon, drawed one small load of hay, worked on cellar - Elij and Heywood. I
worked putting in the wagon tounge. J. Alger went for lumber, drawed 777 feet,
worked the oxen.
Saturday, 10: Working in shop until noon. Elig and Benny
working on cellar. afternoon, hauling hay.
Sunday, 11: At home in the morning. Went to meeting held
at R.S. Robinson’s. Missionaries from Cedarville.
Monday, 12: Working cutting and piling pickiting,
forenoon. Afternoon in shop. Elig working on cellar. Benny fixed water ditch
and hauled a load of wood.
Tuesday, 13: Doing various jobs. Benny and Lig went with
ox and horse team for logs for cellar.
Wednesday, 14: Helping Emma to start to Washington. Went
to R.S. Robinson’s borrowed eleven and one half lbs shingle nails. Elig and
Benny went with two teams for slabs and lumber, amount of lumber 737 feet.
Thursday, 15: Working on cellar. Elig the same, Benny
hauled 1 load of slabs with ox team.
Friday, 16: Working on cellar until noon then went in
afternoon to R.S. Robinson’s, by invitation of Sunday School Superintendant
Pres’t. Elig worked on cellar about three hours then went to meeting.
Saturday, 17: Spent the morning visiting with Bro Frost.
Afternoon, worked on cellar. Elig worked all day on cellar, Benny hauled 1 load
of slabs with ox team.
Sunday, 18: Spent the day at home, had Sunday School here.
Monday, 19: Forenoon, took some cheese and butter to
Robinson’s. Afternoon, working in garden. Benny and Elig helping B. Roundy to
Tuesday, 20: Worked on cellar for about 2 hours, Elig the
same. Ballance of day in shop. Benny drawed load of slabs with ox team.
Wednesday, 21: Worked on cellar, Benny the same.
Thursday, 22: Worked in shop all day, Elig helping. Benny
worked on cellar half day.
Friday, 23: Working in shop forenoon. Elig and Benny
scraping corral. Working on Cellar afternoon.
Saturday, 24: Working on cellar, Benny the same. Elig went
to mill with grist. J. Alger returned from Dixie. Gave credit for trip $20.00
Sunday, 25: Spent the day at home, attended Sunday School
Monday, 26: Went up the Kanyon, drove the dry cows above
the Lee fence. Afternoon, doing various chores. Elig and Benny helping B.
Roundy to harvest. J. Alger drawed one load of slabs with ox team.
Tuesday, 27: Forenoon, hauling hay, Benny and Lig the
same. Afternoon, Elig making bridge across water ditch, myself and Benny
harvesting barley. J. Alger drawed one of lumber for granary, 1153 feet.
Wednesday, 28: Harvesting barley, Elig and Benny the same.
J. Alger hauled lumber 1201.
Thursday, 29: Harvesting barley until noon, Elig and Benny
the same. Afternoon Elig and Benny worked on bridge. J. Alger hauled slabs 1
load with ox team.
Friday, 30: Piled up some lumber. Benny and I hauled one
load of hay. Elig cutting around wheat and filling water ditches. Afternoon, I
worked getting posts for granary, Benny and Elig worked on granary about two
hours each. J. Alger worked half day on granary.
Saturday, 31: Harvesting wheat. Elig, Benny, J. Alger, B.
Roundy helping.
September - 1879
Sunday, 1: Spent the day at Sunday School at R.S.
Robinson’s and at home.
Monday, 2: Finished harvesting wheat about 4 o’clock,
Elig, Benny, J.Alger, B. Roundy helping. Worked about three hours on granary.
Tuesday, 3: Worked in shop, Elig helping until about 3
o’clock. Spent about three hours on granary. Benny working on cellar half day
pounding and settleing the dirt and filling up ballance of day doing various
Wednesday, 4: Forenoon, working on the fence, Benny and
Elig the same. Put a band on cheese press. Afternoon, cut barley in Rush
Thursday, 5: Cutting barley in Rush Kanyon - Elig, Beny,
J. Alger, B. Roundy and his hand.
Friday, 6: Finished harvesting about 3 o’clock. Worked
about two hours on fence, Benny and Elig helping.
Saturday, 7: Forenoon, put the gate together, Benny got
the posts. Afternoon, put up the gate at Rush Kanyon, Elig cutting oats. Amount
of barley threshed, 155 bus. Coleman’s share 55 bus 4 qts. Due Co-op one fourth
38 3/4 bus.
Sunday, 8: At home, had Sunday School here.
Monday, 9: Doing various chores. Benny and Elig commenced
hauling grain. Bro. E. Snow and others made us a visit. Bro Snow gave
instructions in regard to improvement he said for me to go to and put in the
basement of the barn and give orders on Cainnan Winsor and Kanarak herds for
hands to work.
Tuesday, 10: Went down to R.S. Robinson’s, had some more
instructions from Bro Snow relative to improvements, came home and done chores.
Beny and Elig hauling grain.
Wednesday, 11: Went over to shingle and saw mills, brought
back two thousand shingles. Beny and Elig plowing grain.
Thursday, 12: Fixing to start south, loaded 304 lbs
cheese, 46 lbs butter in the keg, butter in roles 56 lbs, 190 lbs potatoes.
Friday, 13: Started to St George.
Saturday, 14: Camped at Johnson (camped on Antelope
Sunday, 15: Arrived at Silver Reef.
Tuesday, 17: At St George.
Thursday, 19: Elig went to Saw Mill, brought one load
lumber 674 feet.
Saturday, 21: Elig drawed one load of slabs.
Tuesday, 24: Elig helped the carpenter on granary.
Wednesday, 25: Elig worked on fence, we arrived from St.
Thursday, 26: Put box in wagon wheel, put in axe handle,
made wagon tounge. Elig worked on fence all day. Benny worked fence half day.
Friday, 27: Doing various choars, Beny and Elig putting up
Saturday, 28: Putting up stackyard fence, Elig helping,
Beny helping to shingle granary.
Sunday, 29: Attended Sunday School at R.S. Robinson’s.
Monday, 30: Doing various chores. Elig working on shed.
Beny hauled one load of slabs with oxen.
October - 1879
Tuesday, 1: Repairing bellows, helping about the dairy.
Beny hauled one load of slabs with oxen, Elig one load of slabs with horse
Wednesday, 2: Turned the cheese and put them to press.
Fixed the forge. Afternoon worked about three hours on the bridge and granary.
Beny worked on bridge cutting willows digging out channel to let the water
pass. Elig hauled one load of posts.
Thursday, 3: Helping about cheese making. Working in shop.
Elig cut and drawed one load of posts. Beny drawed one load slabs.
Friday, 4: Working in shop and helping about cheese. Elig
drawed one load of posts. Beny drawed one load of slabs.
Saturday, 5: Working putting boarding in cellar, making
mink rack. Elig and Beny filling in brush and drawing dirt for bridges.
Sunday, 6: Missionaries preached here.
Monday, 7: Working in cellar. Elig and Beny helping R.S.
Robinson to thresh.
Tuesday, 8: Working in cellar, Elig and Benny helping R.S.
Robinson to thrash until about 3 o’clock. Worked leveling up in front of
granary about two hours.
Wednesday, 9: Working in cellar, Elig and Beny working
gardening before granary, hauling adobies and sand.
Thursday, 10: Working in cellar until noon. Afternoon
getting lumber ready for wagon bed. Elig and Beny helping Robinson thrash.
Friday, 11: Thrashing grain, Elig and Beny helping.
Saturday, 12: Thrashing grain, Elig and Beny helping.
Finished amount of barley 101 1/2 Bus. Wheat 132 1/2 Wheat recieved by Shearers 1 1/2 Wheat due to Thrasher 9 1/2 Barley [recieved by Shearers] 3
1/2 Barley [due to Thrasher] 12
Made a trade with Father Augh for the toll grain for cheese
paying 146 1/2 lbs.
Sunday, 13: Attended to getting the cows and calves, the
family went to Sunday School at R.S. Robinson’s.
Monday, 16: Working in the shop fixing wagon bed. Elig
digging root cellar half day, ballance day doing various chores. Beny helping
B. Roundy to thrash. Heywood worked at building furnace.
Tuesday, 15: Working in shop, Elig doing various choars,
Beny doing choars forenoon. Afternoon helping B. Roundy thrash. Heywood working
on furnace half day.
Wednesday, 16: Worked in shop about two hours, Elig the
same. Ballance of day digging potatoes. Beny helping B. Roundy thrash until
about three o’clock, ballance of day helping W. Roundy to thrash. Let James Lee
have 30 Bu. potatoes.
Thursday, 17: Let Pew have one cheese 15 lbs. Hauling
corn, Elig helping. Beny finished threshing for W. Roundy. Heywood went with
grist to the mill, took 1191 lbs wheat.
Friday, 18: Working on furnace, two thirds of a day. Elig
making cheese, Beny drawing wood.
Saturday, 19: Working in shop. Elig and Beny putting up
straw on shed and covering the chaff and other choars.
Sunday, 20: At home.
Monday, 21: Digging potatoes, Beny and Elig helping. Put
into cellar 70 bus. J. Alger helped about 2 1/2 hours.
Tuesday, 22: Digging potatoes, Elig and Beny helping, put
in it 55 bus. J. Alger helped about 20 minutes.
Wednesday, 23: Digging potatoes. Elig and Beny helping.
Thursday, 24: Digging potatoes. Elig and Beny helping and
others of the family.
Friday, 25: Digging potatoes. Elig and Beny helping and
others of the family, J. Alger 1 day.
Saturday, 26: Finished the potatoes, Elig and Beny
helping. J. Alger 1 day. Amount of potatoes 400 bus.
Sunday, 27: Herding the cows.
Monday, 28: Harvesting carrots forenoon. Afternoon, doing
various choares, Elig working on Root Cellar all day, Beny also.
Tuesday, 29: This morning about 4 o’clock the logs by the
chimney caught fire, was discovered by Emma in time to save the house and
effects. Sawed out the logs that were burnt and toped carrots and worked on
cellar about 2 hours. Elig worked on cellar until about 3 o’clock, Beny helping
to get up roots.
Wednesday, 30:
Finished getting up the carrots and turnips, amount of carrots 55 bus, Turnips
70 bus, Beets 15 Bus, Onions 1 Bus.
Thursday, 31: Working fixing wagons, shoeing horses, Elig
helping, Beny hauling wood.
November - 1879
Friday, 1: Weighing cheese, working in shop, Elig helping
to load the wagon and making cheese, Beny hauling wood, drawed one load to
Saturday, 2: Working in shop, Elig making cheese, toped
out furnace chimney, Ben hauling manure, Heywood started to St George.
Sunday, 3: Spent the day at home, took a strole up Rush
Kanyon, took dinner. Afternoon took another stroll with others of the family up
the Kanyon. About sundown Ira Hinkley, J.N. Smith and Pratt returned from a
trip to Arizona had a pleasant time with them.
Monday, 4: Up early , the returned tourists took leave
after breakfast for their respective homes. Sold to Ira Hinkley 66 lbs cheese
at 15 cts per lbs. $9.90. Worked in the shop, Elig helping, Beny hauling
Tuesday, 5: Working in shop, Elig helping, Beny hauling
manure. Heavy wind all day. Began to snow before we went to bed.
Wednesday, 6: Worked in shop before breakfast. Killed a
beef that I bought from D.J. Lee. Worked in shop ballance of the day. Elig and
Beny doing various choars. Weighed the beef 467 lbs. Snowed until in the
afternoon. Bought 11 1/2 lbs of iron from J. Alger at 5¢ per lb.
Thursday, 7: Mending Prime’s boots, Elig doing choars,
Beny hunting cows. J. Alger De to Beef 11 lbs, butter 2 roles. Raining and
snowing at intervals during the day.
Friday, 8: Mending harness. Elig doing various choars,
Beny hunting cows. Cloudy and drizzling wet.
Saturday, 9: Mending harness, Elig doing choars, Beny
hunting cows, J. Alger herding cows, Cloudy.
Sunday, 10: At home, weather clear, very muddy. Beny,
Prime and Willard drove 101 cows and 13 young calves that I branded to head
waters of Kanab Creek.
Monday, 11: Fixing
wagon, Elig helping and doing other choars, Beny hauling manure. Measured the
north string of fence that J. Alger repaired 206 rods, 30 rods that I agreed to
pay $1.25 per rod. 176 rods at 75 cents per rod.
Tuesday, 12: Working in shop on wagon and shoeing horses.
Elig helping, Beny covering potatoes. Paid order of J. Clarke for potatoes to
Blazzard 18 Bus, 45 lbs. Spent the evening at B Roundy’s. Weighed 3 cheese, 34
lbs for Dixie.
Wednesday, 13: Preparing to start to St George. Elig and
Beny doing chores, such as shoeing horses, loading potatoes, number of bushels
25. Started about 4 o’clock. Stayed all night at R. Wilson’s.
Thursday, 14: Started early, arrived at Johnson after
dark, bought hay, camped in School House, paid expenses, 80¢.
Friday, 15: Left Johnson about 8 o’clock, a number of
teams were camped here on their way to Arizona. Arrived at Pipe Springs at 7
o’clock. Camped in the house with Bro Pulsipher’s family. Emma got supper and
breakfast. Sold C. Pulsipher 500 and twenty lbs potatoes at $1.00 per Bus,
rec’d factory order for the same.
Saturday, 16: Left Pipe Springs at 8 o’clock, arrived at
Cainnan Ranch about 8 o’clock. Mrs. Andrus prepared supper.
Sunday, 17:Started early, broke the tyee to the little
wagon at the top of the Hurricane hill, lashed it with ropes, arrived at
Washington about 10 o’clock after a tedious day’s travel.
Monday, 18: Left Washington about 3 o’clock P.M. Sold the
ballance of potatoes for Factory Orders at $1.50 per Bus. Heywood took some to
the Reef, sold them at $2.00 per cwt. Arrived at St George about 5 o’clock.
Tuesday, 19: Doing various chores, such as getting wood,
running around town visiting.