Monday, September 15, 2014

Mower, Janet (Jorgensen) (1942- )

(Janet Mower Jorgensen is the mother of Carolyn Jorgensen Heywood, the wife of the contributor's son, Leland Heywood.  Contributor, Richard Neal Heywood.)

Janet Mower Jorgensen

Janet Mower Jorgensen was born January 12, 1942 in

 Blackfoot, Idaho.  Janet is a very genuine person.  She always says, "They will just have to love me the way I am."  She is honest with herself and others.  Because of this genuine quality, people are drawn to her and want to be with her.  She is easy to talk to, a good listener, and not judgmental.  This special gift has influenced many lives among her family and others for good.

 On Janet's first date with her husband, Dave, she showed him that she was comfortable with who she was. Janet was wearing a dress that had a wide belt (about four inches wide, I think).  The belt cut into her ribs when she sat down. They were sitting in the back seat of the car while another couple was in the front seat. Janet asked Dave if she could take off her belt because she was uncomfortable. Dave was impressed that Janet could just be herself so he said, "Of course." But what he was really thinking is "I want to get to know this girl more."

Because Janet was honest and candid, her children's friends would often talk to her about things that they did not feel comfortable talking to their own parents about.  One of Carolyn's friends in high school, Amber Jackson, was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Amber often discussed her gospel questions with Janet. Janet became her second mother. Janet went to the temple with Amber to take out her endowments and still keeps in touch with Amber. Amber later married in the temple and became a mother. Janet genuinely loved Amber and helped to change her life forever. Janet had friendships with most of her children's friends.

Janet has a close relationship with all of her children. While her children were teenagers, she would OFTEN stay up very late talking to them. She would mostly listen. But, she would also often answer questions with a scripture or gospel principle. She did not preach to her children, she just would openly communicate with them and her natural love for the gospel would shine through.'

Having a close relationship with all of her grand children is also important to her. She spends a lot of time and money on them. She enjoys every bit of it! She loves to have her home be a place where her family can come, relax and enjoy life and each other.

Janet has always tried to live the gospel in her life. She served as president of all of the women's organizations in the church. She tries to stay close to the Holy Ghost and has often had experiences where he has helped her. She readily shares these experiences as well as times when she makes mistakes. She wants others to see the real her. Family Home Evening, Scripture Study, and Prayer have always been important to her. She loves Family History and teaches her posterity about the great heritage they have. She has always loved the temple. For Janet, attending the temple is a privilege not a duty.

This is some of her testimony written December 2002: "I want you all to know that I have a testimony of the goodness of our Father in Heaven. I have been very blessed in my life and have always had my prayers answered but not always in the way I had expected. I know that Heavenly Father lives ... I know that Jesus Christ is His only begotten Son in the flesh. I am forever grateful for the Atoning sacrifice of His Son and that through His sacrifice we have the privilege of returning to our Father in Heaven if we repent of our sins, keep our covenants and all His commandments... I'm grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost... I know that Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son when he knelt and prayed in the Sacred Grove and they spoke to him... I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that we need to read it daily so it can help us to live more righteously because it contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ... I know we have a prophet on the earth today and I know we must follow his guidance and keep the faith... I am grateful for my heritage; for parents and grandparents who were strong in the gospel and raised me with this knowledge... I am grateful to my children for staying close to the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful they chose wonderful companions that could and would take th6m to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity. What a great heritage for my grandchildren for they have strong parents and grandparents on both sides who strive to keep Heavenly Father's commandments. May you all know that I love you without end. You are each a very special spirit and I pray daily for you that you will stay strong in the faith. Stay close to your parents. Know that they love you are trying to guide you in the best way they can. Pray always. Please stay close to your Savior."

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