Friday, September 12, 2014

Smurthwaite, Margaret Eleanor (1895-1992) 80th Birthday Tributes

Margaret Eleanor Smurthwaite Heywood


 80th Birthday Letters and Tributes

James Albin Pitton Letter:

October 9, 1975.  This is the year of Mom’s 80th birthday—and she seems to me to be perhaps 56 or so, and a vital, active 56 at that?  I always tell people with a grin, “I’m one of those strange people who loves his mother-in-law?”  But since Mom isn’t exactly a mother-in-law, because the”in-law” part just doesn’t seem to ring true, ever, it is somewhat difficult to put down exactly how I do feel about this most unique individual, Margaret Heywood.  I’ll try.  “Know Thyself.”  “Love Thyself—Love thy Neighbor as Thyself”  right out of the Scriptures, the philosophers, the most modern of psychology books.  And as Jesus’ admonition to [not preach, but] let your light so shine---, so she has and is to so many.  Her Patriarchal Blessing prophesized (sic) that she would have the ability to teach.  She, herself, apparently, didn’t really realize the truth of this until she saw the results of the years.  One thing which impresses me very much is her statement that after retiring from the Mesa schools, she would have taught gratis in Hawaii just for the privilege of teaching—continuing her mission on this earth.  Perhaps as cogent as that is the fact that will her own children, each one remembers her as their inspired and inspring school teacher as well as “Mother.”  Jo, to this day, can say specifically what she learned and how she was helped in the many different situations both in and out of school over the years. 

Mom has always been asked, urged, or drafted to be the “main speaker.”  There are always many more real reasons for a speech than the overt, stated one.  She has the almost uncanny talent of feeling what is necessary and appropriate to say in all of these addition dimensions along with the stated subject, and then the ability to communicate—to get it across—and the whole alwys in the most poetic, aesthetically coherent and moving fashion.  How many times have I heard both Jo and Barbara exclaim, “oh, is she good!”

I know the tremendous influence Mom has had and does have on her oldest daughter.  The values and background then have very certainly been passed on to our children (also much influenced by her directly as well as by their own mother, Jo}, who in turn are now passing it on to theirs.  In and out of school, how many lives can and does one individual touch and affect?  How many blades of grass grow in the vast lawns of a park?  As just one of these growing blades, myself, she certainly has touched my life.  Now, feeling about my Mother as I do (this would have been her 80th year on this earth0—how can I say this, now?—on one hand, I have been given one of the greatest possible of honors:  being adopted into a family where, for 32 years this month, I have felt like a biological relative, never an “in-law.”  On the other hand, Margaret Heywood couldn’t be “mom” to me, but for her beautifully unique spirit and the generous and loving acceptance of me as he son in actual Fact.  She certainly is “Mom” to me.  Mom, over the many years, not, I am grateful to you.  Lovingly, Jim

Margaret Josephine Heywood Pitton

Often times I find myself telling people about “My Mother.”  What do I tell - I guess I express to them that you can do anything!  It is hard to put on paper what “anything” is that I would tell people—but I bet you people may think you are ten ft. tall with all your talents that I tell them you have.  I will quickly say -  Mom, I think the people in our family that call you Mother, Grandmother, sister, aunt, etc. have been greatly influenced by you as you are a wonderful mother, teacher, friend, peacemaker aunt, sister, grandmother, Great Grandmother & shining human being.  I am proud to be your daughter.  Love, Jo

Alfred Leland Heywood

How can a son of a loving mother express the joy and emotion he feels toward that sweet soul that gave him life on this earth.  I love you for your care and concern as I grew from baby to adult.  I appreciate the support that you give my family now.  I am filled with thanksgiving as I reflect the many words of encouragement, the example of work, of study, of energy you have always been to all that know you.

May your 80th birthday bring you joy and may your spirits be lifted as we who love you, honor you on this day. 

Total Love and appreciation— Alfred

Phyllis Stokes Heywood

Dearest Mom,

            You are truly a mother to me!  As I live here in the home to which I came when I moved to Mesa, I have constant memories of you and Dad and your goodness to me.  I remembered recently the wonderful welcoming party you gave for me on my first visit to Mesa.  My memories are so dear of the many wonderful things you have done for me, as well as your uplifting spirit always.  I pray that we will have many more wonderful years close together.

All my love and respect,  Phyl

An Ode to Grandmother written by Carma Smith Heywood.

‘Twas long ago (on April 10th)
You gave a life from heaven sent.

You cared for Richard day by day
And helped him grow in every way.

In no time he outgrew his carriage
And not too much later was ready for marriage.

Then Carma joined our family.
And that addition pleased you and me.

Then came children one, two, three—
Karen, Lar and of course our Lee

Three more were added to join the tree—
Shelle, Ricky and Kimberly.

Among things certain. (All again)
They’re all glad to be in your family

A wish that’s strong is their desire—
To live good lives and never tire!

For their very lives to you – indebted
To honor you they're dedicated.

They hope to bring you honor here,
And then live with you in a future sphere.

Margaret Ellen Pitton Kalikiliki  (Margie)

Dear Grandmother,

Happiness Is

Having a wonderful Grandmother like you!  I sure wise we lived closer because there are many times I would like to talk with you and share my thoughts and feelings.  I admire you most for your special quality of striving for the best in all that you do.  I would like to follow your example.  So you see, as a Grandmother you deserve an A plus!  I’m also very thankful that you and Grandad were in the Temple as workers when Mike and I went through for our endowments.  Thank you for letting me stay with you while I was in college.  If it hadn’t been for you, living in Hawaii, and for me, getting to come and live with you, I might never have met Mike or had our three precious little ones or have such a happy life.  I love you and appreciate you and I’m proud to be your granddaughter! 

Happy Birthday!

Love, Margie, Mike, Nina, Rachelle, and Michelle.

Barbara Suzanne Pitton Niu  (Suzie)

Dear Grandmother,

Happy Birthday. I surely hope this will be a happy birthday for you.  You are a wonderful person; full of life and love.  I wish I was more like you.  I love you very much; I am proud to be your grandchild. 

God bless you,  Love,  Suzie

Mary Frances Heywood (Braithwaite)

Dear Grandmother,  I sure do love you and have a Happy Birthday.  With Love, Francie.

Johnathan Earl Heywood

Dear Grandmother,  Have a happy Birthday.  I sure do love you.  Love, John.

Beverly Sue Heywood (Ganier)

Dear Grandmother,  Hope your birthday is a happy one.  I sure do love you.  Hope your arm feels better and gets well soon.  Lots of Love, Bev.

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